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can diabetics eat apples?

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Can diabetics eat apples?

People with diabetes can enjoy including apples in their diet. The carbohydrates found in apples have a minimal impact on blood sugar levels due to the presence of fiber. Additionally, the majority of sugar in apples is fructose, which has a limited effect on blood glucose. Apples are not only low to moderate on the glycemic index (typically ranging from 29 to 44), but they also provide essential vitamins and antioxidants, making them a nutritious choice. The glycemic index (GI) is a scale that ranks carbohydrate-containing foods based on how quickly they raise blood glucose (blood sugar) levels after consumption. The scale is typically measured from 0 to 100, with higher values indicating a faster and greater increase in blood sugar.


With only 104 calories in a medium-sized apple, it can be a satisfying and healthy snack. It’s important to consume apples in moderation and be cautious with apple juice, which tends to be higher in sugar and lacks the beneficial fiber. 

Nutrient Amount
Calories 95 kcal
Carbohydrates 25 grams
Sugar 19 grams
Fiber 4 grams
Protein 0.5 grams
Fat 0.3 grams
Vitamin C 14% of Daily Value (DV)
Potassium 195 mg

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