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A cardiologist performing puncture of femoral artery during a coronary angiogram

What is a Coronary Angiogram to the Heart?

A coronary angiogram, or angiogram for short, provides pictures of the heart’s blood vessels (arteries). A special catheter (thin, flexible tube)  is inserted into an artery in the arm or groin and then threaded through the blood vessels to reach the heart. A special X-ray dye (contrast medium) is then injected into the catheter and shows up on X-rays taken during the procedure to produce pictures of heart arteries.

Coronary angiograms to the heart are used to examine and treat problems within the coronary arteries of the heart. The coronary arteries supply blood to the heart muscle, so any problems with these arteries can cause serious health issues for your heart, including heart attacks and strokes. A coronary angiogram of the heart can provide information on any issues that may be present with these arteries, and also help doctors recommend treatment options based on what they find.

How will I know if I need a coronary angiogram?

A coronary angiogram, or an angiogram for short, is a procedure where they will take pictures of your heart. There are various reasons why someone would need their coronary arteries examined through an angiogram.

If your cardiologist suspects coronary artery disease, he will advise an angiogram. If you have symptoms of coronary artery disease such as chest pain, or shortness of breath, you may need an angiogram. If your stress test is positive (tmt test or DSE test or nuclear stress test), You again need an angiogram. If you are diagnosed with a heart attack, a coronary angiogram is indicated.

The good news is that with today’s medical technology, you won’t feel much pain during your coronary angiogram procedure. The local anesthetic will ensure complete numbness of the wrist or groin area.

Major complications are rare with coronary angiograms. Sometimes, you may get local complications at the wrist or groin. Heart attack, brain stroke, and kidney damage are uncommon complications of a heart angiogram.

The length of time an angiogram takes depends on whether or not you have any abnormalities in your arteries in the hand or groin. It can be shorter than 10 minutes if there are no difficulties and longer than 30 minutes if there are multiple difficulties. This test will take place in one day, but you should be prepared for it to take up much of your day. You may have an IV inserted for fluid and other injections. The catheter is inserted into your artery for visualization of your coronary arteries is removed after the angiogram.

The procedure will take about 10 to 30 minutes. First, you’ll be given local anesthesia so you will be pain-free at the wrist or groin. After giving you anesthesia, your doctor will make a small puncture in your groin area or wrist area with a small needle. He then passes a long, flexible tube into your blood vessels in the hand or leg and threads it to the heart. He injects a dye several times while taking pictures of coronary arteries from several angles.

Coronary angiogram cost in Hyderabad

It varies from hospital to hospital. Depending on comorbidities, it costs anywhere between 10,000 to 3o,ooo rupees. Graft angiogram done for post- CABG patients costs higher compared to conventional angiogram.


Opening Hours For Heart angiogram or CAG

Mon – Sat

10.00 -17.00



Make Your Appointment For a Coronary Angiogram

    To Get Coronary Angiogram test , Call 07382997744